[Salon] Putin in the original tone about terrorist attacks on Russian nuclear power plants planned by London


September 13, 2023

Putin in the original tone about terrorist attacks on Russian nuclear power plants planned by London. 

At the Eastern Economic Forum, which does not play a role in German media, Putin has traditionally participated in the panel discussion again. It is not surprising that the German media do not report on the conference, because it showed in a dramatic way how Asia is economically overtaking Europe.

At the panel discussion, Russian President Putin spoke about planned terrorist attacks on Russian nuclear power plants, which may have been planned by the British secret service without the knowledge of the British government. I have completely translated the questions and Putin's answers.

The fact that the presenter mentions the "Vice-President" is due to the fact that the Vice-President of Laos also sat on stage. The presenter later asked them about the consequences of the cluster munitions dropped by the USA on Laos during the Vietnam War, whose unexploded ordnance still kill people to this day.

Start of translation:

Doronow: I will ask about the arms deliveries, and then I will ask the vice president a question, because that is also a painful topic for you, you have talked a little about it. It was decided to deliver grenades with depleted uranium. Now it is said that there is a possibility that Ukraine will also get long-range missiles with a range of up to 300 kilometers.

First: In your opinion, can this change the situation on the front line? And secondly: How will we react to this?

Putin: You know that we have already talked about it, but I am forced to repeat it. Just recently, the US government was of the opinion that the use of cluster munitions is a war crime, and it also said this publicly. Now she herself delivers cluster munitions to the war zone in Ukraine.

Doronow: But they say that neither the USA nor we have signed the ban on their use.

Putin: They have publicly declared that this is a crime, and they commit these acts. In general, they don't care what you think about them, they always do everything exclusively in their own interest. They thought that since they are running out of 155 caliber ammunition and it is difficult to produce them - both in European countries and in the USA - they give what they have in the arsenals. So they have cluster munitions and it started and they gave cluster munitions. It is the same with the depleted uranium. All these are crimes that they themselves talked about, not me, they said that they are crimes. But they do it.

Nothing helps. Yes, of course it takes a toll on us. It is the same with the depleted uranium. It contaminates the area. Is that bad? It's very bad.

Doronow: By the way, Grossi, the head of the IAEA, said: "No, nothing like that will happen."

Putin: Yes, we know what that is. The areas are still contaminated.

And what happened in this context? Has this affected the situation so far? The British have been supplying these grenades for a long time. Has this changed anything on the battlefield? No. Now they want to deliver F-16. Does that change anything? No. This only prolongs the conflict.

In November, the election process begins with them, they must show results at all costs. And they urge the Ukrainians to continue fighting, no matter what they say publicly, because they don't care about the Ukrainians. Strangely enough, today's Ukrainian leadership has no pity for its own people, they just throw them in the oven, just like that, that's all.

Does that change anything? I don't think so, certainly not. Will it prolong the conflict? Yes, it will.

But that's not what worries us, they know no boundaries. I want to tell you a story.

Recently, the FSB killed several people on our territory in a military collision and captured the rest. It turned out that it was a sabotage group of the Ukrainian secret services. The interrogations are ongoing. What do they show? Their task was to damage one of our nuclear power plants, to blow up power lines, high-voltage lines, in order to finally disrupt the operation of the power plant. And this is not the first such attempt. In the interrogation, they testified that they were prepared under the guidance of British instructors. Do they even understand what they are getting into or not? Are they provoking us to some kind of retaliatory strike against Ukrainian nuclear plants, nuclear power plants?

Do the British leadership and the Prime Minister even know what their intelligence services are doing in Ukraine, or do they perhaps not know it at all? I think it is possible that the British intelligence services, for their part, act on the instructions of the Americans. We already know who is the beneficiary in the end. Do they know what they'm playing with, or not? I have the impression that they simply underestimate the situation.

Doronow: They didn't have Chernobyl.

Putin: You know, I know that according to my words, there will be another outcry: "This is another threat, a nuclear blackmail" and so on. I assure you that what I have just said is the complete, absolute, pure truth.

These bastards sit with us and make statements. I know the possible reaction: "Everything they say, they say under a gunpoint." No, that's not true, and the British intelligence services know that I'm telling the truth. But I'm not sure if the British leadership even understands what's going on.

These things are really worrying because, as they say, they do not know their limits, and this can lead to serious consequences.

Doronow: But we are aware that we will not attack the nuclear energy supply.

Putin: I told you that they might provoke us to these actions.

End of translation

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